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Über mich

  • I
    know really well that I do not get enough protein . It is clearly a piece of
    advice I will take to me. Although I have time for myself as a housewife, I
    have not gotten the daily exercise into our program. On the other hand: Maybe
    bikes I have not, but I rush around after three small children and sitting
    never down, so it makes well also a bit of exercise account? Maybe I could a
    few days a week Max Testo Xl take at least the man in the stroller for the nursery, while
    the girls bikes to school. SEE ALSO: 3 women test: Do you eat more than you think?
    Ida Kraks advice to Pernille: 1st Eat more protein and less sugar. 2nd Get your
    heart rate up three times a week. It is now that you have time to workout !
    Third Remember the important movement in everyday life - that your children
    also enjoy. Character: I am a little tacky, I will not go higher than 5.
    Pernille lacks both.

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    0 Tage, 0 Stunden, 1 Minute, 44 Sekunden

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