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  • lucyclare


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Über mich

  • Spring Hall Health Keto A recent survey (August 2013) from the Ministry of Health found that half of the population has problems with overweight. This is the bad news. The good thing is that another survey (May / 2014) pointed to a stagnation of this index - perhaps this is the beginning of the decline of the index, because people are more concerned with taking care of health, getting fit and staying healthy. Belly fat is probably the one that bothers people the most. Let's explore next how exactly this fat accumulates and how to lose abdominal fat fast, going to the root of the problem. It is important for you to understand the process so as not to be fooled with false promises and to take a path that will structurally solve your problem. Why Too Much Abdominal Fat Is Dangerous While a certain amount is needed, too much is a serious health risk as it increases the production of certain pro-inflammatory hormones and cytokines. By increasing the amount of messengers of pro-inflammatory activity, inflammation in the body increases, leading to a number of health problems, including chronic diseases such as heart disease and even cancer. Increasing hormone release can also make weight loss more difficult as hunger is less regulated and you are more prone to eating, even when you don't need food. Why Do We Have Abdominal Fat? In addition to gender (men are more likely to have abdominal fat than women) and genetics, one of the main causes of abdominal fat is insulin resistance. Insulin resistance , in short, is when your body no longer responds to insulin properly, prompting the body to release larger amounts of the hormone in an attempt to get muscle, fat, and liver to use it. Why does it happen? The most common reason is diet, especially diets high in fat and refined sugar and low in fiber. In a study of healthy and overweight people, diets high in fat (but not omega 3 fats) caused decreased insulin sensitivity, even in healthy participants. When you eat a high fat diet, your body becomes full of fatty acids, intended for use by muscles or stored as fat.

Persönliche Informationen

  • Geburtstag

    3. März 1990 (34)

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