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  • And never use an open or a one-sided grip. Firstly, it is
    dangerous, and secondly, such a grip forces you to press your elbows close to
    the body, and thus shifts most of the load on the deltoids and triceps.

    3. Shrugging

    When you lie on the bench, shoulders should not rise above
    the ears. In such a clamped position, you can not use the pectoral muscles to
    the max and completely switch off from exercise tremendous - yes, your lats are
    also taking part in the bench press barbell lying.

    nitro mxs

    Instead of "Shrug" plug and latissimus pull
    shoulders down towards the pelvis, while ensuring the blade. Such movement will
    create a deflection of the back, but the gluteal region is fixed, and only the
    upper part of the body will form a bridge. And yet - always look straight ahead
    and do not press the head to the bench. Last bodily injury of the cervical

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