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Über mich

  • That
    lections can impair growth, linked to autoimmune disorders, damage the lining
    of the small intestine causing leaky gut, destroy skeletal muscle, and
    interfere and the function of the pancreas. Sounds serious, right? Let’s
    examine this common Pale myth. There are several reasons that these results
    cannot be extrapolated to humans. First, the NuCulture animals consumed vast amounts of
    lections—much more than a human would consume from eating a pile of legumes at
    lunch. And sure enough, these animals get extremely sick and leaky gut,
    inflammation, and a whole bunch of other problems, including cancer. Second,
    the elections were from raw legumes. Hello. Humans eat cooked legumes, and
    cooking neutralizes the lections found in most legumes. In fact, cooking
    legumes for as little as 15 minutes or pressure-cooking them for.

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