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Über mich

  • The
    be found in whole grains like cereals - a last tip would be green tea for it is
    loaded with antioxidants. Contains vitamin C, D and K and also calcium and iron
    among many other healthy substances and as you may know, it is used also in a
    lot of skin creams 5. Get enough sleep! I think we all know that if we don't
    sleep enough, it shows on our face. We get bags Idrotherapy Wrinkle Reducer and dark circles under our
    eyes. Not getting enough sleep is not only bad for our skin but has a negative effect
    on our brain as well! Researchers say that we adults need 8 hours sleep a
    night. A few tips to sleep better like not drinking too much coffee and
    especially stop drinking caffeine in the evening, not eating 2 hours before you
    go to bed and trying to go to bed at the same time every night will probably
    help but if not, I would advise you to talk about it with your doctor. 6.
    Reduce stress! I already mentioned stress is not healthy for your skin and that
    we can reduce stress by exercising. Did you know that stress also makes you
    frown? You probably find this hard to believe but eventually, this expression,
    these frown lines; will show on your face.

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