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  • How to set a profile photo in an Instagram account.

    Let us know how to set a profile picture in an Instagram account.

    First, open the Instagram app on your phone. After that you have to go

    Your profile by clicking on the profile icon here. After that you can also create a profile

    Photo by clicking the profile icon here. Or click on the Edit Profile option here?

    Now, to set a profile photo, click Change profile photo or profile icon here.

    After that you will see two options here. If you want to post a photo from your Facebook account, you do

    You can set it here by clicking Import from Facebook option. Or click New

    Profile photo option here to set the photo from your phone gallery.

    After clicking here you will see all the photos in your phone gallery.

    And if you want to set it by clicking on the photo with the help of the camera, you can set it by clicking on the photo option

    here. Or to set a photo from gallery, select a photo, adjust the photo and click

    the next option here. After that you can use any of these filters and you can too

    Edit your photo by clicking the edit option here. After that, click on the next option here.

    After clicking the next option, your profile photo will be set. How did you like this information?


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