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Über mich

  • I
    use the Starlux lux2940 fractional ablative laser resurfacing method. The
    Starlux Lux2940 is an Erbium laser and heals faster than the fractional CO2
    lasers, the Fraxel Repair, the ActiveFX and DeepFX ablative machines. What is
    Combined Fractional Laser Skin Resurfacing and Why is It Better? The newest and
    most effective cosmetic laser skin rejuvenation treatment I combined fractional
    laser skin resurfacing. After two years of research and over two hundred
    treatments, we have learned that combining the Starlux Lux1540 non ablative Z'Amour Matrix Skin treatment with the Starlux lux2940 ablative treatment provides the most
    effective wrinkle removal and skin rejuvenation treatment. The Starlux Lux1540
    and Starlux Lux2940 are done in the same treatment session. The results in
    terms of wrinkle removal, skin plumping, improved skin texture, pigment removal
    and general skin rejuvenation are excellent and better than either treatment
    done alone. This is a very new technique; I just presented our findings in
    Dallas, Texas at the Palomar Medical Advanced laser seminar on January 24,

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