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  • The
    top surface darkens and you are left with a blackhead. To fight blackheads,
    make sure you use a gentle and natural cleanser to keep skin clean. Exfoliate
    twice weekly to keep those dead cells away from open pores. Make sure you use a
    gentle exfoliate, as anything too harsh will only over-stimulate skin. Try
    putting a warm towel on the blackhead area and then SkinCell Pro apply gentle pressure as
    this may unclog the pores. Do not pick or squeeze. C is for cleanse. Make this
    your daily mantra and it will save your skin! Cleansing skin and using the
    right type of cleanser is the number one thing you can do for it. Alkaline
    cleansers or ones that contain Sodium Laurel Sulphate (SLS) strip surface oil
    from the skin, leaving it in need of more oil. The oil glands respond by
    pumping out more oil to compensate, leading to skin that is out of balance and
    prone to problems. Just do a quick check of ingredients on the pack and if you
    see these two then give it a miss! SLS is also used as an engine degreaser so
    it doesn't take a degree in cosmetics to figure that it can't be that gentle on
    your skin! Use an SLS-free cleanser with natural ingredients - it will do the
    job gently! Cleanse skin morning and night. D is for dermatologist. If you
    suffer from really bad breakouts then be off to a dermatologist. There is no
    point in trying every potion and lotion in an attempt to blitz zits 'coos
    putting on that entire stuff will probably only make your skin worse.

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