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  • zbynoiicki


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Über mich

  • Now I am a Father of two beautiful children. The daughter is wiser at 19 than I was too age. If she is having difficulty with something she promptly requires for help and willingly accepts it. She's a lot like her mommy for the reason that regard. My child at 17 is much more like me; in his mind asking for help is a form of "giving in" and somehow shows him as weak. All of us had an incident this weekend which underscored his being a chip-off-the-old-block. He or she was in a drama performance at his high school on Friday night. Following your performance many of the kids decided to go out for an after-performance snack. The son decided to go but got lost looking for the restaurant. He or she drove around for over an hour looking for the place but didn't find it. He ended upward coming home disappointed that he missed out on the social time.

Persönliche Informationen

  • Geburtstag

    7. Juli 1992 (32)

  • Geschlecht


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  • Verein


  • Onlinezeit

    0 Tage, 0 Stunden, 0 Minuten, 0 Sekunden

  • Onlinezeit

    0 Tage, 0 Stunden, 0 Minuten, 31 Sekunden

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