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  • APA style papers

    Although you may not know it, chances are that as an academic essay writer, you are more familiar with APA style papers than any other kind of paper. In fact, it’s doubtable whether there is any essay writer who has not yet written APA style papers. This argument is arrived at from the perspective of the way in which an essay writer cites the references used within the text. Normally, an essay writer will paraphrase the material from the source then quote the surname of the author and the year of publication at the end of every paragraph.

    This is what APA style papers are about: citing the source using the author’s surname and the publication date. The other details that define APA style papers become more familiar as the essay writer does many do my homework and essays. What is important for the essay writer to know is that APA style papers are not as demanding as other formats. Unlike the MLA format in which the essay writer has to include the page number, APA style papers only require the year.

    There are however some cases where the client requests that the page number be provided. Even with these specifications, the reader should be capable of distinguishing APA style papers from MLA papers. The difference between the two is that whereas APA style papers contain the publication year, a paper done in MLA lacks this aspect. Further, the list of sources is called references in APA, while in MLA it is called works cited. The essay writer from our writing service ( ) further needs to understand that it is mandatory to include a title page that contains the topic and the writer’s details in APA style.

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