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  • Of school bags and educate children about the consequences of irregular posture and promotes physical activity. Low back pain - the epidemic of the 21st century Problems associated with the spine are mostly focused on pain lumberman HyperTone Force part (low back pain) and in the cervical spine. These pains are often accompanied by tense or aching muscles and reduced or painful mobility. The pain can occur in the feet and hands, accompanied by numbness. For back pain, difficulty can be expressed when walking, standing, sitting, lifting the chair or out of the car, tying shoes, dress socks and brushing teeth. The pain can be dull and boring, and may be sharp with certain movements. Also, pain may be local in the lumbar (lumbago) or to descend over the buttocks to the knee (faceted syndrome) or even to foot ( sciatica ). Most people do the work sitting.

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