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  • visionrx201


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  • In the case of children who answer affirmatively to four questions, Doctors Casas and Romagosa recommend consulting with a specialist. In addition, based on the six affirmative answers, his advice is "that parents go to a behavioral optometrist to carry out a functional study that provides a specific diagnosis, as well as the start of a specific visual therapy that helps solve the health problem of the child ”, affirms Doctor Casas. How to detect children's vision problems as soon as possible: The myopic , the astigmatism and hyperopia (which result in amblyopia, known as lazy eye and strabismus) are quite common eye problems that often show their first symptoms in childhood. Vision Rx20 Supplement The complicated thing comes when it comes to detecting the sight problems of children, since it is necessary to pay close attention to certain symptoms and behaviors of our children. In fact, according to a study by the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) collected by Sanitas, 20% of children have a visual problem that can decisively affect their development and School performance.Blurred eyesight, concentration difficulties, dizziness and headaches hide an eye pathology that can slow learning in 1 in 4 students , according to AAO data. In fact, according to different studies, up to a third of school.

    Ophthalmology Service of the Sanitas CIMA Hospital, in Barcelona, ​​have developed a test that, through 17 questions, helps parents and teachers detect visual health problems in children.
    1. Do you see double or / and blurry when reading?
    2. Do you have a slow reading speed?
    3. Wink / close and cover one eye?
    4. Do you have attention / concentration difficulties?
    5. Do you get too close to the paper when you read or write?
    6. Do you need a long time to finish a task?
    7. Do you have a headache at the end of the day?
    8. Do you have low reading comprehension?
    9. Do you tilt your head when reading and writing or / and need to follow the lines with your finger?
    10. Do you write badly, don't stay on the line when writing, and is it messy?
    11. Do you confuse or invert the letters or the words when reading?
    12. Do you have psychomotor clumsiness?
    13. Do you remember better orally than in writing?
    14. Do you adopt bad postures?
    15. Do you miss letters when reading / writing?
    16. Do you have difficulty copying from the board?
    17. Do you vocalize when you read quietly?

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    5. April 1985 (39)

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