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Über mich

  • The
    digestive enhance the process of digestion of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.
    The esophagus carries the food from the mouth and empties it into the stomach.
    Stomach acids break down the food and then the food is passed on to the
    duodenum (first part of the small intestine). Here, the bile and the pancreatic
    juice aid the process of digestion. The pancreatic Miracle Biotics neutralize the stomach
    acids. A mixture of proteins and sodium bicarbonate produced in the pancreas
    helps reduce the acidity of the food (chime) entering into the duodenum. The
    and sodium bicarbonate are constantly released by the pancreas but they are
    released in very small quantities (about 0.2 - 0.3 ml per minute). As soon as
    food is sensed in the small intestine, pancreas starts secreting greater amount
    of pancreatic fluid (about 3 ml per minute). A number of factors trigger the
    pancreas to empty into the first part of the small intestine. These include
    visual perception of the food, smell, taste and ingestion of food, stomach
    distention as it fills and food, presence of various gastrointestinal hormones,
    etc. A particular type of peptide called pancreatic polypeptide (PP) produced
    by the pancreas, then curbs secretion. The vigil nerve triggers the secretion
    of PP. Studies show that certain foods inhibit secretion. Fatty acids and
    monoglycerides greatly influence pancreatic secretion.

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