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  • Single
    layer of absorptive cells and mucus Miracle Biotics secretion. However, it lacks the villi, and
    (and the exception of one-eyed birds) absorptive cells lack digestive enzymes
    and the ability to absorb most of the nutrients. And one major function of the
    hindgut is to re-absorb the fluid excreted in the upper digestive tract and (in
    animals that have entrained) excreted in the urine. It also serves as the main
    site for the production of germs in food herbivorous reptiles, birds and
    mammals in the most herbivores. Thus, the hindgut tends to be the longest in
    the animals that you need to keep the water in an arid environment, and have a
    greater capacity in most herbivores. Musculature Digestion of food, absorption
    of nutrients, and waste excretion require mixing and digestive enzymes, transit
    and digesta through the digestive system. In all other vertebrates of the
    contents are mixed and moved from the inner layer of circular muscle and an
    external layer of muscle, which.

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